Monday, November 30, 2009

Scotland For Scottish

I bin listening to the fracas in Scottish politics. I heard that SNP is in a minority. What the hell do you expect when English Labour, Tories and Liberal are holding power with a title like Scottish Liberal Party? Scottish brudders will have to wake up and throw the English out. Sorry English this is politics. But anyway Salmon is a fucking fish, slimey and all!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Watching Footie

When I watch football games, I see that the footballers who miss a goal always check whether it is raining or not. When it is sunny I find it very funny!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Swine Flu

I am getting this awful feeling that these flu epidemics are there to get rid of the Flotsam and jetsam of nature. Read this for an added value: (not mine but someone else wrote it).

In addition to scientific studies on vitamin D levels and the seasonality of the flu, an analysis of CDC data indicates that vitamin D deficient children are also at higher risk of death from the flu.

The data shows that almost two-thirds of 36 children who died from H1N1 had epilepsy, cerebral palsy, or other neurodevelopmental conditions like mental retardation.

All of these neurological conditions are associated with childhood Vitamin D deficiency. Exacerbating the problem further, many of these kids take anticonvulsant drugs, which also lower vitamin D levels.

Hope I am not F&J in life!

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Sunday, November 15, 2009


So soul is the one I was born with. According to Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...

1. The animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.
2. The spiritual nature of humans, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.
3. The disembodied spirit of a dead human.
Is the soul different from mind?

Now according to the Wikipedia it is:

The soul, in many religions, spiritual traditions, and philosophies, is the spiritual, and frequently eternal, part of a living being, commonly held to be separable in existence from the body, and to be distinct from the body's physical matter. It is typically thought to consist of one's consciousness and personality, and can be synonymous with the spirit, mind or self.[1]

Blimey big words, synonymous means 'means the same'. So soul and mind are the same. Here I am saying it is so, but I do not beleave that is so..

How does the mind and the brain get connected in this little story I wonder?

Wikipedia on Mind tells me that:

Most contemporary theories, informed by scientific study of the brain, theorize that the mind is an epiphenomenon of the brain which has both conscious and unconscious aspects.

Now we can say the mind is an effect of the brain, and mind does not affect the brain.
God! my brain hurts or is that my mind I wonder. A cap & pipe will be good here. Tomoro I will try to find out about this affect & effect is?

You do understand that the education of kids have been a corporate system where money has to be made. So what the educated people do is make everything so complicated that 99.9% or more of the world population will stay uneducated.

This conclution I made is by reading the wikpedia, which is supposed to make everything very easy to understand. You start reading about Mind and end up in Mind via Cognitive neuroscience, Cognition, Thought, then mental. By the time i got there I was a piece of violent emotions and nearly destroyed my very cheap laptop.

Good on ya boffins. You are no different from the bloody priests, who in the good old days, kept the masses from learning the religion by making it very difficult to understand it by writing it in dead languages, eg. Latin, Pali, Sanskrit etc..

So what the hell can we do. Break the bloody hold on us M8. Break it, as King Henry the 8th did by getting the boffins to write the Bible in English and getting rid of the Rome's influence on Christianity, and make it easy for a Yorkshireman to talk to a Bristolian. Make it simple.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mind Space & Time

Does mind have the concept of time & space? Or is it that the thoughts have the concept? The self contains the mind and body. Where are the thoughts belong to? I need help.

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Space and Going There

If a spaceperson watches a star system which is 7 million light years away, and decide to go there. If that person uses warp speed - faster than light kind of speed - and get there in an year, will the star system still be there? Hmmm time and space i loves it!

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Gabapentene 1

I had a lot of pain in my face, neck going down to my nether regions for a while now. I used to grind my teeth for a long time and my teeth are ground down on one side. Funny it is the same side my foot is shorter. Anyway I told the GP about my griding teeth and oall that he prescribed Gabapentene. Blimey did it work.

I was asked to take one every six hours and after tree days take two a time. Then after another two days take another one at the last one in the night; and after two days take three every six hours.

Well I stopped grinding my teeth and all the tension went out and the pain went down. Cool i told myself. But I feel very sleepy most of the time. I have lots of things to do, but I cannot get it going. The motivation is gone. I need help.

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I just wondered whether people who live by themseleves talk louder when they speak. Or everyone who are living on their own think I am deaf. Or is it because I live on my own. I need hhelp.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am Me Accept me as I accept You

Today i heard that I make money out of my friends. I was angry for a while and then grieved for my friends. I am not rich. Some of my accusers are richer than me. I might make a few pennies out of my friends by selling them something they value, at that time. But no one has ever noticed that I spend more money on my friends than they ever envisaged. The anger is gone. I still pity them, who ever you are.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How much solar power will fit on Britain's roofs?

So there we have it. By this quick approximate calculation, Britain’s domestic roofs would deliver 123 TWh of energy per annum if they were all covered in solar PV panels. That corresponds to an average power output of 14 GW. In 2007 the UK consumed 393 TWh of electrical energy [3], so rooftop solar could deliver  31%  of Britain’s electricity, averaged over the year. There’s a slight complication here, because electricity demand peaks in the winter, whereas solar energy supply peaks sharply in the summer, so the winter percentage contribution will be much lower than that.

How does that estimate compare with other calculations?

Nicely put. I bin looking for the amount of area on rooftops in UK to calculate the Solar Power we can get. And this man has done it. Bravo!

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Monday, November 09, 2009


I have worked out a way of sorting my physical or mental problems out. Here I want to put a note to say, even though I said physical & menral, I myself do not divide the two. I said it; so that you can understand.

I have a twisted back which I myself made by sleeping in a certain way most of my teen and upto my 30's. I realised it in my easrly thirties and started thinking about getting my back in the middle of my body. Without anyone else prompting me I kept the word 'middle' in the formost of my mind.

Then I came across an article where this authour describes a method of mesmerism before I go to sleep. Simply breath in and think middle and breath out. I do it for twenty breaths. Then I added on other problems in my life and now I have about six problems I am working on. I will not tell you what they be as I should have some privacy here.

After around ten years of this practice and some exercices I do, I can see my back is coming in to the middle. Recently I added 'No Smoking' and been doing it for a few months. I realised that when I do it in the night, the first cigerrette I have next morning make me cough so much I do not touch it for a long time. I believe that this system will work for anybody, but you have to do it every night for a bloody long time. I do hope you have the time and patience.

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Sunday, November 08, 2009


Most compllcated thing in the world is the outside. Me I am the only simple thing in the world. Blimey I need help.

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Friday, November 06, 2009

English Language?

I am not sure about these sentences I was reading in an article about Iran, Afghanistan etc etc. This one

.........Imagine the confusion that would arise if the term “German” was being used, as it once frequently was, not only to identify German nationality and to designate German ethnicity (which is used to describe a whole people ranging from Germany to Austria and Switzerland), but to identify members of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family. Germanic includes English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Dutch, amongst other languages. Great confusion would arise from calling these other peoples German on top of their other labels.........

And then it states:

.............In turn Western Iranic is part of the larger Iranic branch (or sub-branch, if you consider it one with Indo-Aryan or Indic) of the Indo-European language family, which includes the Slavic, Germanic, Romance, Celtic, Albanian, and Greek languages..............

So if this is true the English speaking people actually speaking Indian. Ha Ha Ha. Just like the comedy series the man says Shakespear is Indian.

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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Is It Possible?

No matter what happened in the past, whether Hitler won the war or otherwise, I am right now, typing this on this computer. Right,..... could of be in German.

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Watching this program about Canada in the 1600 & 1700's, there were two companies who ran the Fur Trade. Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Frontntier Company. HBC was run by investors and the NWFC was run by the people who worked in the Fur Trade. Guess who won the trade war. Hmmm you do the research and find out.

By the way I was thinking about the Royal Bloody Mail.

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A Peaceful Protest At Cumberland Basin

This is the time when the Criminal Justce Bill gave the permission to the PoLice to control demonstrations. Here you can see the methods they use today and they were practicing the methods on us. I have reason to beleave that the organiser of the parties that time was colluding with the PoLice and always away from the fracas. Wicked memories.... this one brought me...... as the Yoda would say.

My name: A Shariff
My Address: 109 Bloy Street
This can be seen by a solicitor
I was relaxing at home on the 21st Saturday after Ashton Court when I heard a free party going in Cumberland Basin under the flyover. I went there about 2.30 AM (Sunday) with a few friends, who were 17years to 35 years and I am oldest 36 years old. When we got there, there was a lot of Police. I did not count how many but I could easily see more than 2 dozen or more. Non of us were aware that the party was previously been busted by the Police.
Due to my back problems and after walking a bit in Ashton Court Festival I was tired and my back was painful. So I sat down on a stool that I carry for the purpose, on the grass verge close to the speakers but away from the dancing people. It was generally nice seeing some people I haven’t seen for years and talking to them. Around 5 Am I think the Police brought in a big flood light over where I was sitting. I thought they are trying to intimidate us with flood lights at that time. I saw some Police officers getting rigged up in riot gear and some of them were at the end of the grass verge. They were without shields. I went up to them just to see what was going on. I was playing with a couple of juggling balls and they seemed not threatening.
I heard some one ask “what is going on?” and one of the officers said something like “ nothing we are watching you” and laughed.
I came back and sat on the same spot where I was. Then the police got themselves organised into a line and started trotting towards me, beating the shields and shouting.. There was a Police ‘supervisor’ kind of behind the line shouting orders. The line came up to me almost touching like and stopped. I kept seated.
There was someone I know behind me say “ If you hurt him that will be racist attack” and laughed. That was when I realised that Police are not laughing they were serious.
Then the ‘supervisor’ gave the order to move forward and I heard him say “5 leaders chaps”.
The line parted where I was sitting and proceeded to move towards the dancing crowd, who were like a ring around the sound system. I was not harmed. I turned back towards the line of officers going away from me, with the ‘supervisor’ behind them. I saw someone getting dragged and beaten. Could not see whether it was a girl or a boy. I think he got cuffed and taken away. I have been to few demonstrations but I have not seen such violent attitude at unarmed youngsters who were just enjoying themselves. The party goers were not violent at all except may be some right in the front whom I did not see. If they were organised and violent, the police would have had more serious casualties.
Apart from the person who got dragged, beaten and cuffed. I saw another girl who was on the ground trying to defend herself from beaten by two officers, who looked as if they were enjoying it.
There was anther squad of officers all in black without numbers trying to attack the sound system. They had what looked like black canes like radio aerials. They were viciously beating people around them willy nilly. There were some people who had cameras and they were photographing the action. And I saw one guy who was photographing, got a crack with a cane like baton those officers carried. And they chased him. I think he got away from them. Those officers were more vicious than the ones with the shields. The line officers overran the compound and moved out in their vans, after they got their five leaders they were after, and took away some equipment and damaged some.
I later saw some of the injuries. This girl may be weigh seven or eight stones, carried so many bruises she looked like she got run over by a truck.
A Shariff

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Letter To Blair

This is a letter I wrote to then PM Blair the war criminal.

Remember the time when you started becoming interested in politics and became an activist. Looking back you might come across the times of wonder; why don't the Government listen to us.
The political way of most countries is very simple. To become a politician you have to go to demonstration learn a lot of law and become popular guy. Then when the time is right you get elected. So far ok. When you get into the notches of ministerial capacity you have already lost the roots of the people. You get worried about your own safety and depend on lots of “advisors”. Common people cannot get to you without the presence of the minders. Even this letter will be read by someone and the reply will be written by someone else; may be I will be lucky enough to get your signature. You, sir, have lost us. You get elected by us to represent us, sir, not to tell us how to live under the guidance of "think tanks". Let us be you guide and the think tank for a change.
I trusted you and I voted for your party but not any more. You have been neglecting the common people and sucking up to the corporate syndicates and made wrong decisions in most of the issues. It is becoming a two party (with same ideology) system just like the North Americans. It is time to get out of that shell you have around you and start contacting your former friends you had, before the rich society chose you to be the Prime Minster.
Now I am asking you is a very simple deed. Get that loud mouth Bush your partner in “crime” to ratify the Kyoto Protocol so that we can leave a better earth for our children to walk on. The rest will follow like sheep I reckon. Thank you for your time and patience.

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Blackout Et Al

This is what happened to me in 2005. I still have the same problem but I am more prepared now than those days. I feel the pain getting worse and I go and lie down. I do not like to go out any more as I am afraid of this happening to me. Something I do not have control on....hmmmm....

11:33 26-02-2005
I nearly fell down in the bath today while I was getting off it. I think it was a mini blackout. I did not get injured but it was close. I wonder whether the authorities are waiting for an injury to happen before they do something about it. A few days ago I had a similar experience when I was just about to climb downstairs; luckily it was before I started; I just sat down and the blackout passed. But if it happened a moment later I would of tumble downstairs and it would of caused a bad injury. I am writing these on someone's suggestion.

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Pensions Debate in 2004?

This is what I wrote when I went to the Pensions Debate in Bristol, I think in 2004, with Hon Mr Blunkett.

I was one of the participants in the Mr Blunkettt’s much talked about Pensions Debate which took place in Bristol last month. There were 40 of us selected from the Citizen’s Panel and other prominent lobbyists from Bristol. The debate was not properly conducted as we were forced to take part in a discussion which was guided by the adjudicators who were present. For example; we were given 4 options to debate on, in 20 minutes, how to devise a way of tackling the problem of pensions in 15 years time. The options given to us were:
1) Future pensioners would be poorer than today, when their income is compared to the income of those in work
2) Taxes and/or NI contributions would have to rise to provide money to the pensioners.
3) Average retirement age would have to rise.
4) People would have to pay more into a pension or other long term savings for retirement.
And we had to give 20 points in all to any or all of those options. Yes we did under pressure and I did not like the option 1 and gave it a 0.. What about other options EG. Cut the defence budget? Or cut the MP's salaries ha ha…. never I say? Well there are lots of others which we were not allowed to debate on.
I was very thrilled when I was asked to come to this debate thinking at last the government is trying to involve us in their bid to govern this country. Well I and few others left the building thinking that this is a controlled debate to get us all talking and agreeing with what the ministers want to do in the first place. I hope I will not live that long as to get a pension or I win the lottery and bugger the pension.

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