Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Screws, Jews and Conundrums

09:48 17/07/2007

I was reading in my room. Then the quiet got broken by someone banging on some door down the corridor. Then some words of command in very loud voices. Then the next door and then the next. By this time I have recovered from my initial fright, and realised that this is some stupid care worker telling the people who live here that it is cleaning day. My oh my I thought I was in bloody prison. This is supposed to be a bloody relaxed chilled place. I asked the bugger who came to the door that, "Are you a bloody screw?" Well he didn't understand me but after an explanation he did apologise. I hope he gets it into his thick head that most of us are here due to unfortunate circumstances, and we have not committed any crimes. Authority sucks man. How is that for a rant!

21:01 14/07/2007

Let them prosper as I did. Hmmm good thought. One day you be tops and next day................ you are not sure init? Then you ask the question where? I wish it is in between. Any time in my life I bet on winners? Hmmm What a life for wee me and I hope it lasts only that time. I got contacted by a rent boy today but no thanks you pimply piece of..... Life must be looking out different init?

20:04 09/07/2007

I am not a Nazi party man nor am I a extreme Muslim, but I do not like the Jews who has been creating a lot of trouble for common decent people. The Jews are segregated mob who cannot understand why other people hate them. In UK we have the largest group of Jewish lawmakers in the world after Israel. Well I am not that crazy to agree on doing the Jewish graves. Not that I am a guy who believes in the gravity of our ancestors. But it is just not the way I do it. I learnt a lot from that program. Ch4 "War on Jews in UK". But I still not influenced by it. There are questions which are not really answered like the reporter says that last Lebanon war was because the kidnapping of two Israel soldiers. But he did not mention that the soldiers were in Lebanese territory and were arrested not kidnapped.

23:24 05/07/2007

Back in 1990's top end when I started on my course into the study of electronics I heard of the Chiropractor course which started by a newspaper (I think it was Guardian which we use to get free when I joined the Student union), claiming of free tuition and all that I went for it with a few mates but I did not even complete the first interaction with them. Later on there were so many bloody Chiropractors about they were going begging for jobs. I can remember the very first people who got through hyping up the others later on and there was a glut in the market. And now when I look at, all the people who went to practice the art, I find only a fraction of them still doing it as it was a sham. Chiropractor works for you, but your body goes back to the way it was before the Chiropractor twisted you out of it. So after 6 months to 2 years you have to go back to the man and get it done again. I will tell all about it later.

11:46 05/07/2007

"Fire alarm" is the one I started getting undecided on as to whether I like it or not. This is the, say about over 10 and under 15 th time I had to get out due to the "Fire alarm", in the last 6 months. Specially at about 2 AM when it starts I feel like not getting out. So I take my time and getting out. And think, give it a few minutes and it will be off. And other times like today by (11.40AM) now there were two fire alarms, one in the morning after breakfast and then again about ten minutes ago. So I am out in a few minutes, as I am already dressed for it init? Well I suppose I will be more qualified living here and when I get out I will decide whether I likes it or not.

11:23 05/07/2007

I noticed this today! These swab-doors which are secured with a electronic lock which opens when you swipe the swab, are constructed by putting the swipe unit on the left hand and the handle on the right to the swipe unit, right. Then some places other way round. My conundrum is which is easier and to whom, the right or the left handed person. Get out of that init?

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