Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dreams, Putin, God and Floods

22:43 30/07/2007

I woke up this morning listening to the BBC1's Good Morning program. First I heard it is monsoon in Britain. Then I heard that there are the killer sharks appearing in the coasts of Cornwall. Then I went back to sleep thinking I am dreaming. Missed my bloody breakfast. Hope it does not rain today.

09:37 29/07/2007

Boasts and brags are like debts and sweethearts in you younger days; they come back to haunt you later.

18:10 19/07/2007

I feeling is that the billionaire Russian dissident living in London was responsible for the death of that woman journalist who was assassinated by unknown elements. Everyone blamed Putin. Then the guy who was poisoned in London. Everyone pointed the finger at Putin. But if we think in a different format I can see that the billionaires bloke was responsible as he stated, in one his interviews (source: Sky News) with some journalist, that for the last 4 years he has been trying to undermine the positive points of Putin Government. This news item was not in UK main stream eg. BBC, ITV, C4,or C5

"We are concerned, however, that this level of international cooperation may wane as 9/11 becomes a more distant memory and perceptions of the threat diverge."

13:22 19/07/2007

God is going crazy in the Yorkshire region I think. No one died in the floods but the elderly and the young are affected said the news caster. If you believe in God you have to believe in God no matter what the situation is, but what about the newscaster?

23:13 18/07/2007

God created a society which balance itself. Then to be in that situation God needs two extremes. What about the ones who are in the exact middle and suffer due to the violence which erupts? Collateral damage init?

09:37 18/07/2007

Guglielmo Ferror a french author who wrote in "Principles of Power", referring to the leaders of the french revolution said: "The more blood they shed the more they needed to believe in their principles as absolutes. Only the absolutes might still absolve them in their own eyes and sustain their desperate energy."

Ok lets see what it is, when at home. First of all what do you mean by 'principles'? according to The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary it is "a moral rule or standard of good behaviour", eg. "Anyway, I can't deceive him - it's against all my principles.".

And then what is absolute. According to the One Look Dictionary it means, "something that is conceived to be absolute; something that does not depends on anything else and is beyond human control (Example: "No mortal being can influence the absolute")"

Now we have absolve to absolve means forgive somebody: to forgive somebody's sins, especially formally in a Christian church service or sacrament

What it means is that no matter how much blood is shed they will not change their minds that they are doing something wrong. Am I right?

Email me!

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