Thursday, July 31, 2008

Palestine Problems

I am a selfish person.

Yeah I can see why the Palestinians have a problem. Jews are all together and Palestinians are split just like they did to Christianity, hmmmm is it so?

"If Israel releases Hamas members of the Palestinian parliament as part of a deal for the return of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit, PA President Mahmoud Abbas will dismantle the Palestinian Authority, Abbas warned Israel last week."

From: "Abbas vows to dismantle PA if Israel frees Hamas prisoners for Shalit"


"Hamas Islamists threatened their Fatah rivals on Tuesday with future retaliation in the West Bank for a campaign of arrests by forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, saying the only thing keeping the militant group from attacking Fatah in the West Bank was their "protection of the Zionists" there."

From: "Hamas to Fatah: Only Zionist protection keeping you safe in West Bank"

Nice one as Hamas was funded by the Israel to counteract against the PA at that time or glory. What a nice equation to solve.

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Hobson's choice

I am a selfish person.

I Like this term "Hobson's choice"; free choice in which only one option is offered, and one may refuse to take that option. The choice is therefore between taking the option or not taking it.

So this guy "Thomas Hobson (1544–1630), a livery stable owner at Cambridge, England who, in order to rotate the use of his horses, offered customers the choice of either taking the horse in the stall nearest the door or taking none at all."

Nice one!

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Jew Not To

I am a selfish person.

This I found in the comments column in: "Bush Reveals True Reason for War in Push for Iraqi Agreement"

"" The best characterization is provided by the product of this religious education, the Jew himself. His life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with atheistic Jewish parties-- and this against their own nation. -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)"

The story of the Jews in America begins with Christopher Columbus. On August 2, 1492, more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain and on August 3, the next day, Columbus set sail for the west, taking a group of Jews with him.

They were not, however, refugees, for the prophetic navigator's plans had aroused the sympathy of influential Jews for a long period previously. Columbus himself tells us that he consorted much with Jews. The first letter he wrote detailing his discoveries was to a Jew. Indeed, the eventful voyage itself which added to men's knowledge and wealth "the other half of the earth" was made possible by Jews. The pleasant story that it was Queen Isabella's jewels which financed the voyage has disappeared under cool research.

There were three Maranos or "secret Jews" who wielded great influence at the Spanish court: Luis de Santagel, who was an important merchant of Valencia and who was "farmer" of the royal taxes; his relative, Gabriel Sanchez, who was the royal treasurer; and their friend, the royal chamberlain, Juan Cabrero. These worked unceasingly on Queen Isabella's imagination, picturing to her the depletion of the royal treasury and the likelihood of Columbus discovering the fabulous gold of the Indies, until the Queen was ready to offer her jewels in pawn for the funds. But Santagel craved permission to advance the money himself, which he did, 17,000 ducats in all, about 5,000 pounds, perhaps equal to 40,000 pounds today.

Associated with Columbus in the voyage were at least five Jews: Luis de Torres, interpreter; Marco, the surgeon; Bernal, the physician; Alonzo de la Calle, and Gabriel Sanchez. Luis de Torres was the first man ashore, the first to discover the use of tobacco; he settled in Cuba and may be said to be the father of Jewish control of the tobacco business as it exists today.

Columbus' old patrons, Luis de Santagel and Gabriel Sanchez, received many privileges for the part they played in the work, but Columbus himself became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bernal, the ship's doctor, and suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward.

From that beginning, Jews looked more and more to America as a fruitful field, and immigration set in strongly toward South America, principally Brazil. But because of military participation in a disagreement between the Brazilians and the Dutch, the Jews of Brazil found it necessary to emigrate, which they did in the direction of the Dutch colony of what is now New York. Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor, did not entirely approve of their settling among his people and ordered them to leave, but the Jews had evidently taken the precaution to assure their being received if not welcomed, because upon revoking the order of Stuyvesant, the Directors gave as one of the reasons for the Jews being received, "the large amount of capital which they have invested in the shares of the Company."

Nevertheless they were forbidden to enter public service and to open retail shops, which had the effect of driving them into foreign trade in which they were soon exercising all but a monopoly because of their European connections.

This is only one of the thousand illustrations which can be given of the resourcefulness of the Jew. Forbid him in one direction he will excel in another. When he was forbidden to deal in new clothes, he sold old clothes - that was the beginning of the organized traffic in secondhand clothing. When he was forbidden to deal in merchandise, he dealt in waste - the Jew is the originator of the waste product business of the world; he was the originator of the salvage system; he found wealth in the debris of civilization. He taught people how to use old rags, how to clean old feathers, how to use gall nuts and rabbit skins. He has always had a taste for the furrier trade, which he now controls, and to him is due the multitude of common skins which now pass under various alluring trade names as furs of high origin.

Unwittingly, old Peter Stuyvesant compelled the Jews to make New York the principal port of America, and though a majority of New York Jews had fled to Philadelphia at the time of the American Revolution, most of them returned to New York at the earliest opportunity, instinct seeming to make them aware that, in New York was to be their principal paradise of gain. And so it has proved.

New York is the greatest center of Jewish population in the world. It is the gateway where the bulk of American imports and exports are taxed, and where practical all the business done in America pays tribute to the masters of money. The very land of the city is the holdings of the Jews.

No wonder that Jewish writers, viewing this unprecedented prosperity, this unchecked growth in wealth and power, exclaim enthusiastically that the United States is the Promised Land foretold by the prophets, and New York the New Jerusalem. Some have gone even further and described the peaks of the Rockies as "the mountains of Zion," and with reason, too, if the mining and coastal wealth of the Jews is considered.

In the time of George Washington there were about 4,000 Jews in the country, most of them well to do traders. They favored the American side and helped the revolutionary colonies out with loans at critical moments.

In fifty years the traceable increase in the Jewish population of the United States was more than 3,300,000. What it is today no man can estimate with any hope of accuracy.

To make a list of the lines of business controlled by the Jews of the United States would be to touch most of the vital industries of the country - those which are really vital, and those which cultivated habit have been made to seem vital. The theatrical business is exclusively Jewish: play-producing, booking, theater operation are all in the hands of Jews. This accounts for the fact that in almost every production today can be detected propaganda, sometimes glaringly commercial advertisement, sometimes direct political instruction.

The motion picture industry; the sugar industry; the tobacco industry; fifty per cent or more of the meat packing industry; over sixty per cent of the shoemaking industry; most of the musical purveying done in the country; jewelry; grain; cotton; oil; steel; magazine authorship; news distribution; the liquor business; the loan business; these, to name only the industries with national and international sweep, are in control of the Jews of the United States, either alone or in association with Jews overseas.

The American people would be vastly surprised if they could see a line-up of some of the "American business men' who hold up our commercial prestige overseas. They are mostly Jews. This may throw a sidelight on the regard in which "American business methods" are held in some parts of the world. When many different races of people can carry on business under the name "American," and do it legally, too, it is not surprising that Americans do not recognize some of the descriptions of American methods which appear in the foreign Press. If the reputation of American business has suffered, it is because something other than American methods have been used under the American name.

Instances of Jewish prosperity in the United States are commonplace, but prosperity, the just reward of foresight and application, is not to be confounded with control. It would be impossible for any Gentile coalition under similar circumstances to attain the control which the Jews have won, for the reason that there is lacking in the Gentile a certain quality of working-togetherness, a certain conspiracy of objective, and the adhesiveness of intense raciality, which characterizes the Jew. It is nothing to a Gentile that another man is a Gentile; it is next to everything to a Jew that the man at his door is another Jew.

The International Jewish plan to move their money market to the United States was what the American people did rot want. We have the warning of history as to what this means. It has meant in turn that Spain, Venice, Germany or Great Britain received the blame or suspicion of the world for what the Jewish financiers have done. It is a most important consideration that most of the national animosities that exist today arose out of resentment against what Jewish money power did under the camouflage of national names.

The British did this," "The Germans did this," when it was the International Jew who did it, the nations being but the marked spaces on his checker board. Today, around the world the blaming word is heard, "The United States did this. If it were not for the United States the world would be in a better shape. The Americans are a sordid, greedy, cruel people."

Why? Because the Jewish money power is centered here and is making money out of both our immunity and Europe's distress, playing one against the other; and because so many so-called "American business men" abroad today are not Americans at all - they are Jews.

Citizens wake up with a start to find that even the white nations are
Tom posten | 07.30.08 - 6:24 pm | # "

I have not checked the validity of this, any comments appreciated about this.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bush Will Issue a Mass Pardon

I am a selfish person.

The simplicity itself. Be a war criminal and then pardon your self. Ha Ha ha hee hee hee. It can only happen in America. Poof>

"Before leaving office George W. Bush will issue a mass pardon, the largest collection of presidential pardons in American history. Bush will pardon himself, Vice President Cheney, and a long list of officials involved in torture, eavesdropping, destruction of evidence, the CIA leak case and a range of potential crimes."

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

In Me Demented World

I am a selfish person.

I bin hiding things of no bearing to what so ever, from you my dear heart.

Could you forgive me for such an atrocity?

Et Tu?

Being a better person of enlightentship than me I bow down to your self being.

So please give me guidance. Thank you.

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To Me stupid Doctor?

I am a selfish person.

I am taking more pain killers now than I have before. Because I have been taking the same pain killers for a mere 18 years. For my very knowledgable doctor it is not much as his "Clients" were not able to tell him this. When I do not complain of a problem I had this long, it does not mean that I am 'not' suffering from it. you the doctor is living abroad in a nice little place where you do not come across the likes of me or other 'shite' like me next to you having a pint. Please Dr Allen come and live near me so that you can see me about. Living in a different place you will always be my death and lots of money for you. Ofcourse you went through a lot of trouble to become a doctor. Do you know the ammount of frigging trouble I went through to be me. If you think you are better than me i got a little riddle for your illuminated, inflated mind Sir; If not for me "Thou shalt cease to exist".

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Visit of Obama

I am a selfish person.

After watching the live performance of the great black releaf worker Obama what I gathered was that in one of the questions he answered about Iraq and Afghani war. He said that we UK and US are spending lots of billions on war effort but at the moment back in US the price of food and petrol going up insanely and foreclosures of homes are going up. That wasted money can be used to sort everything out.

But do any of these Western media took that as a major talk the two people Obama and Brown did earlier. I have a lot of respect for Dopey Brown. He will not make a stand on anything but will listen to the people and change the course of the Gov. Very few have seen this small effective way of democracy yet?

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Why I Don't Beleave Aliens Visiting Earth

I am a selfish person.

Simply if the whole universe started from the "Big Bang (BB)", as the creationists say, then all the beings in the universe, aliens and all, started from one point. Since then we have been drifting away from the rest at a speed, which was the same as the speed of light at the "beginning", and reduced to the speed we have now, according to the laws of physics. So for an alien to come to Earth first he/she will have to exist outside this solar system, second to contact us they will have to have evolved a hell of a lot faster, than us as this argument.

“To im­age Earth in a si­m­i­lar fash­ion, an al­ien civ­il­iz­a­tion would need tech­nol­o­gy far be­yond what Earth­lings can even dream of,” said Sara Sea­ger, a plan­etary the­o­rist at the Mas­sa­chu­setts In­sti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy and co-in­ves­ti­ga­tor on the ex­tend­ed mis­sion. While seem­ingly huge, the dis­tance to the craft dur­ing its film­ing was ti­ny in cos­mic terms: less than one-hundredth the dis­tance to the fur­thest plan­ets in our own so­lar sys­tem, let alone oth­ers.

Yet “s­pace tele­scopes un­der study by NASA would be able to ob­serve an Earth twin as a sin­gle point of light—a point whose to­tal bright­ness changes with time as dif­fer­ent land mass­es and oceans ro­tate in and out of view,” Sea­ger said. “The vi­deo will help us con­nect a var­y­ing point of plan­etary light with un­der­ly­ing oceans, con­ti­nents, and cloud­s—and find­ing oceans on ex­tra­so­lar plan­ets means iden­ti­fy­ing po­ten­tially habita­ble worlds.”

“Our vi­deo shows some spe­cif­ic fea­tures that are im­por­tant for ob­serva­t­ions of Earth-like plan­ets or­bit­ing oth­er stars,” said Drake Dem­ing of the agen­cy’s God­dard Space Flight Cen­ter in Green­belt, Md., dep­u­ty prin­ci­pal in­ves­ti­ga­tor for EPOXI.

“A ‘sun glint’ can be seen in the mov­ie, caused by light re­flected from Earth’s oceans, and si­m­i­lar glints to be ob­served from ex­tra­so­lar plan­ets could in­di­cate al­ien oceans. Al­so, we used in­fra­red light in­stead of the nor­mal red light to make the col­or com­pos­ite im­ages, and that makes the land mass­es much more vis­i­ble.” That hap­pens be­cause plants re­flect more strongly in near-in­fra­red light, a type of light with slightly less en­er­gy than the type vis­i­ble to the na­ked eye, Dem­ing ex­plained.

The Uni­ver­s­ity of Mar­y­land leads the over­all EPOXI mis­sion, while NASA God­dard leads the extra­so­lar plan­et ob­serva­t­ions."

From "Earth filmed as “alien” world"

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The Earth, The Moon & The Sun

I am a selfish person.

Do you know which way The Moon goes round The Earth? Is it the same way as The Earth rotates or the opposite? Yeah and is the speed the moon going round the earth greater than the Earth rotation speed?

Hmmmm have a look at this taken by the NASA’s Deep Im­pact space­craft. This is the space craft which chased the comet to take a close up look and do a few experiments. And it has taken a video of The Moon eclipsing The Earth from 31 mil­lion miles (50 mil­lion km) away.

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Friday, July 25, 2008


I am a selfish person.

Luxary in life is having all the foods you already tasted and liked, ready at hand at all times to be cosumed, with relish. Ahhhh....

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I Never Thought Of This?

I am a selfish person.

When I sit in front of the box and eat some food; the taste of the food depends on what I is watching. best watch a food program. I can eat any of my food... Try it!

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This Glorifies The Humanity Of..............

I am a selfish person.

"I collapsed during the interrogation. I fainted and…I started vomiting everywhere. And then the soldiers, they started gathering around me. I estimate nearly one hour and a half vomiting on the ground. And one of the Shabak officers—I was unconscious for most of the time, but I can remember one of the things that they were doing to me. He was using his [fingernails] and pinching me all the way, trying to cause me pain under my eyes and under the soft part of my eye. I thought what these people are doing is basically they are trying to torture me. And one of them who was trying to do that, the same thing, pinching me using his [fingernails] under my ears, and then one other of them…put his shoes on my neck. I could feel actually the outline of his shoes on my neck, moving right and left.
I started vomiting again and again, especially after one of the soldiers had both his two fingers inside the hole between my neck and my chest. There is a little hole, and he put it all the way inside and tried to grab my bones, to grab me from my bones different times. That was the most painful thing. And then, [the] other one who was trying to put his hands on my chest and all his weight on my chest. He was—it was actually meant to break me and to break my ribs, because he put all his weight. And the man who continued…to put his feet and his shoes on my neck, that can’t be first aid at all. When I told the doctors here in Gaza what happened to me, they said that can’t be first aid, it can’t be something like that, that’s torture.

Mohammed’s account of his treatment goes on, as I indicate in my summary account above, but you have read enough to get the flavor of this “interrogation.”"

I found this nice Jewish deed in one of the websites. Well you make up your own mind in 'Ere

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Army Vet's Suicide Raises Questions

I am a selfish person.

There is reasonable doubt about the care given to the Soldiers who come home injured in battle. And it is so bad most of the afflicted soldiers commit suicide. Simply speaking suicide is not nice. But sometimes people like to go that way. And the US Gov knows that and uses it to get rid of the bloody waste of money, the injured VETs. Just take a moment to sum up the injured in US from the time of Nam war? What do you think few 1000? Or 10,000? or more? Kindly find out for your self. If you go to that amount of trouble to find that out; I know that you are interested in this. Yeah The Pentagon has done the sums up all right.

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Shooting The Stars

I am a selfish person.

No matter how the situation is; I think anyone can think of a better or a worse situation, compared to that point in space and time. But always the better or a worse situation is not there, it is either different place or a different time. Now the problem is for me to have this frigging phisolophical wisdom at that point in time and space. Hum dee dum ......

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

US Terrorist List

I am a selfish person.

"One million people—including large numbers of American citizens—are on the US government’s so-called terrorist watch list, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, which held a Washington, D.C. press conference earlier this week to mark the ominous milestone.

Since February of this year the ACLU has maintained an online “watch list counter” to track the size of the government’s watch list. A September 2007 report by the inspector general of the Justice Department reported that the list contained 700,000 names and was growing by 20,000 per month. As of this writing, the counter has passed the 1,001,500 mark."

Ha ha ha... hee hee hee..... I likes it. Wonder whether my name is in the list? Hmmm how can I find out?

From: "One million names on US government “terrorist” watch list"

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Invisible Oligarchy

I am a selfish person.

"The Oligarchy that controls the World are members of the “Council on Foreign Relations”, “Trilateral Commission”, “Bilderberg Group”, and “The Project for the New American Century (PNAC)”."

"The quest to control the Worlds wealth started over 100 years ago by a group of extremely wealthy bankers and corporate magnets notably John D.Rockefeller, JP Morgan, and Paul Warburg."


An Obama regime was therefore a probable one-way ticket to thermonuclear war, an outcome several orders of magnitude worse than anything the neocons had ever plotted. Brzezinski and his friends were more aggressive, more adventurous, more intelligent, and more insane than the neocons. The American people, if they succumbed to Obama, were about to leap out of the frying pan and into the fire."

The third world awaits...And will be the only ones ;eft?

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Doctor Or Not

I am a selfish person.

"In 1996, for example, Biederman suggested that drugs like Ritalin might serve 10 percent of American kids for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. By 2004, one in nine 11-year-old boys was taking the drug. Biederman and his team also are more responsible than anyone for a child bipolar epidemic sweeping America (and no other country) that has 2-year-olds on three or four psychiatric drugs."

And Then.

"That's why Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley's recent revelation that Biederman did not declare $1.6 million in drug company consulting fees is so important, scary and tragic. If true, this scandal is yet one more stake in the heart of American academic medicine's credibility with frontline doctors like me - and more importantly, with the parents of the patients I deal with every day.

American medicine, with psychiatry the most culpable, has fallen back to a time more than 100 years ago when doctor credibility was tantamount to the promotion of patent medicine. Subsequent reforms severed ties between medical school doctors and the drug industry - and for decades there was a much more ethical balance between the industry and physicians."

Now do we in UK feel that the our good Doctor here is responsible for some of the shite we sufferers have to go through? Well I have been taking dihydrochodeine for over 15 years. I am addicted to the drug. Is there a better way of contralling pain than this? I went to the Pain Clinic in Bristol for treatments. They were better than the GP in finding out what is wrong with me, but the Physiotherapist was in a hurry to get my back sorted. She did not listen to me at all. I had to listen to her very loud voice repeating things and making me feel,"I want to go home, now". They promised a lot but no one person was following my progress. The good doctor who started my treatment left after two months into the treatment. Then it was upto the nurse. She was a good proffessional doing a job which she was not trained for. It will be nice if my doctor has time to read my blog. Hmmm dream on dreamer...

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The Cuban Missile Crisis?

I am a selfish person.

According to a news artcle "Russia needs bombers in Cuba due to NATO expansion - ex-commander", We are going to see sme saber rattling by the world leader and others in the next few weeks. That is if this artcle is true. I like it. Because during the Cold War we did noy have any big wars did we?

At the same time I think US will have to think a bit more to make the rattling at least sound true; if this artcle "Reuters: Russian Companies Now Own 10% of U.S Steel Industry" has any value.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Money Laundering

I am a selfish person.

What does Money Laundering mean?


• verb 1 wash and iron (clothes or linen). 2 informal pass (illegally obtained money) through legitimate businesses or foreign banks to conceal its origins.

The informal meaning of the term started with the term 'washing the money'. That meaning is simply that it is dirty money. Now who declares and proves that it is illegal money or dirty money? Me You or Dr Who? That is the one I am interested in. In any basic state of life you know that charging some thing for another thing is not right. Basically any money transaction is illegal in the basic law.

So me, my parents, me grand parents and going up on me ancestry we were money launderers. We were born bred and buttered to perform as money launderes by the society, for the society etc. Thats my definition at the moment.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To Smoke Or Not To

I am a selfish person, who have no other thoughts. And you the READER remember that.

Here is the unedited version of my path to get my addiction to smoking.

In 1986,7 or somewhere I finished a session with some friends in High Kingsdown. A Session meaning whole night plus just messing around with sound equipment. at least my mates were producing gingles for the local radio stations. I was just drinking taking drugs making permanent supply of cups of tea. Well we all made the tea. And about 11 am next morning my mouth felt as it should. So I decided to go home. Just before I left I butted a three quarter ciggerret into the ash tray. I remember that as my mouth felt ahhhhrrr. On the way on Kingsdown Parade going up towords Cotham as I was living in Hapmton Road B&B at the time. I remember some people coming abreast of me and I felt that I wanted to cross the road to avoid them. But there was traffic and I could not. Next thing I remember, after I have passed this bunch of people, was that I am passing under some scaffoldings and I had a freshly lit ciggy in my hand. For a few moments I realised what 'my whole being' done something without me realising what is going on. I lighted a ciggy. I did not need the smoke. I felt comfortable with it, in a chaotic situation.

Then I started thinking about the whole situation. I went on a mad walk which took 11 days and ten minutes and 176 miles across Wales. Offa's Dyke Path. I did it with a friend of mine and on the 5th day (I have to check this with the journal I kept) I run of ciggys and money was running short of money. So I decided from that time onwords I will not buy any straights. And only smoke roll ups. Cool that I did manage to cut my smoking down to about 2.5 grams a day, by 2006. That was a facter of 50 grams to 2.5 grams.

Then in 23rd dec 2007 I decided not to buy any more tobacco. That was because I have run out of duty free I always smoked and didn't have any gismo to get any more. So since then I have been 'accused' of bumming tobacco who ever comes around. I had some shade leaves of ganja and started a mix. I finished the shade and got into ganja and baccy mix. I got to 1/10 level at the moment. I am trying to get it a bit sorted as some days I get zonked out but some days I don't. I will connect the blog together later.

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On This Day Of My creation Of Time and Space

I am a selfish person, who have no other thoughts. And you the READER remember that.

I have been sweating in me flat just watching an episode of Prisoner. I have no idea of the plot r the characters. I have not try to do aything except watch the frigging tv, I say. I am sweating. Ahhh what a feeling. The summer is 'ere.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Mexican torture videos reveal ties with US military contractors

"On July 1, videos surfaced on the Internet and Mexican television depicting police officers practicing torture techniques in the city of León, Guanajuato. The videos reveal ongoing ties between Mexican authorities and US military contractors, and an escalation of repressive measures against the Mexican working class, youth and peasantry. The tapes show an English-speaking private contractor training the officers, a chilling image that brought back memories of the “Dirty War” of the 1970’s and 80’s, when the Mexican government systematically hunted down and tortured left-wing students and peasants with the complicity and assistance of the United States."

This is a part of US's political work (Plan Mexico)just like they did in bloody wars in Plan Colombia. I am a bit lost at the moment to bring my mind to focus. But you can see the logic. I will read on and you will do as well, I hope.

"A second video shows a blindfolded man having his head submerged in a hole filled with rats and feces. He gasps and moans for air, and has mineral water squirted up his nose. This technique is similar to “waterboarding”, whereby the victim undergoes near-drowning. The Mexican police are notorious for the use of this method."

I love rats! If you are a bit of someone who likes this sort of stuff the link is at the top. Read it and enjoy. It is lush.. Ahhhhh.....

"Tornero said an English-speaking advisor in the video was from a private US security company, but refused to give further details such as the name of the company, who contracted the company, or for that matter the man’s identity."

I bet i is Blackwater Inc. Any bets?

Oops no bets. As....

"Two men have been identified from the videos by the Mexican press: Jerry Wilson, a British national, and Gerardo Arrechea, a Cuban-Mexican. It is now known that both men are employed by Risk Incorporated, a military contractor based in Miami, Florida."

And some consolation as.....

"The embassy’s claim is disingenuous at best, given the history of the US government in the training of torturers throughout South and Central America by the CIA and at the infamous Army School of the Americas in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. It is much more likely that this work has now been “spun off” to Risk Incorporated and other private contractors"

Sure hope they don't train our police like this. But then again do they tell us all.

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Armed attack on US consulate in Istanbul

"On July 9, at about 10:30 a.m., a group of assailants opened fire on police in front of the US consulate in Istanbul. A gun battle ensued in which three police officers and three of the four attackers were killed.

Another police officer who was involved in the gun battle and a civilian driver of a police tow truck, as well as bystanders who were lined up to apply for US visas, were injured in the attack. The wounded were rushed to nearby hospitals but reportedly did not suffer life-threatening injuries. No injuries were reported to staff inside the consulate."

A child can see through this. I hope the children do not suffer. News is wonderful, but spin is ever lasting.

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Monday, July 07, 2008

The Collective Punishment?

"Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has ordered the army to prepare to demolish the home of the Palestinian who killed three Israelis in Jerusalem.

The order follows advice by Attorney-General Menachem Mazuz that the proposed demolition could create legal difficulties, but would not be illegal.

An Israeli rights group has said such a move would be collective punishment.

B'tselem says it has written to Mr Mazuz demanding that he prevent the attacker's home from being demolished.

The group argues that the demolition would, as collective punishment, be illegal under international humanitarian law.

Hussam Dwayat went on the rampage at the wheel of a front-loader vehicle, or bulldozer, killing three people and wounding dozens before security personnel shot him dead."

I sure hope they do just that. Nice one Judas.

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Friday, July 04, 2008

The State Of The Nation

I remember going to parties where we were objecting to the massive use of energy. Today I walk around and meet my mates who used to partake in such pursuits, and they have cars, energy guzzlers. They have excuses to the fact of owning one of them. But my problem is; is it not the very fact we made 20 years ago which makes the energy prices so high. Evolution states that the most powerful will exist only for a while; then they become normal.

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Thursday, July 03, 2008


As the other number the Zero, Infinity is not basically defined in mathematics as people did not have a notion of either in the past. They just got into the mathematics from the foreigners. But in wikipedia it goes like this:

"Infinity (symbolically represented with ∞) comes from the Latin infinitas or "unboundedness." It refers to several distinct concepts (usually linked to the idea of "without end") which arise in philosophy, mathematics, and theology.

In mathematics, "infinity" is often used in contexts where it is treated as if it were a number (i.e., it counts or measures things: "an infinite number of terms") but it is a different type of "number" from the real numbers. Infinity is related to limits, aleph numbers, classes in set theory, Dedekind-infinite sets, large cardinals,[1] Russell's paradox, non-standard arithmetic, hyperreal numbers, projective geometry, extended real numbers and the absolute Infinite"

Still lacking the basicness of it init? Like it is defined based on so many others which started to exist only after in logic.

Scientifically: Infinity is the state when you start from Zero and keep on increasing all the harmonics of all the vibrations (space/time), until you reach a state they all cancell eachother out and become Zero.

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Wikipedia says this:

"0 (zero) is both a number and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals. It plays a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. As a digit, zero is used as a placeholder in place value systems. In the English language, zero may also be called null or nil when a number, "oh" (IPA: [oÊŠ]), "goose egg", or cipher (archaic) when a numeral, and nought or naught[1] in either context.It was an Indo-Arabic invention of null set."

And the rest is no different. No one stopped to define zero. So here is mine.

Scientifically: Zero is the state where there is no movement in any known dimension ie. space and tme,at the moment we can prove only two dimensions.

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What is Logic?

The enlightened boffins of the Oxford Dictionary says this:


• noun 1 reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. 2 the ability to reason correctly. 3 (the logic of) the course of action following as a necessary consequence of. 4 a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a computer or electronic device so as to perform a specified task."

Where do I get this thing called logic? Was I born with it? From the time of my inception I had a series of experiences. These experiences lead me to develope my own logic. As I grow older I tune my logic as more and more experiences become. Some of the logic I used ten years ago is not exactly right for me now. So my own logic changes.

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Dick Cheney Former Secretary of Defense

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The Left Wing In America

I found a website which gives you all the people, groups and funders, involved in Left wing activities in US - and world wide. Man this is big time stuff. The Java frame starts (give it a few minutes depending on how fast your puter is) with the Ford Foundation. That's the biggest I think as if you grab it with the curser and move it to a white space, everything moves; but if you grab anything else with the curser, it is different. Try it if you end up in a mess you can always go back to the original with Ford in the center. So now according to this website, who may be interpreted as right wing, The Ford Foundation is the top dog in the Left wing of US. Caramba!

Well this gives an insight into the whole "Left Wing" in US. It is controlled by the Wall Street Bankers. Well I have a bit of a feeling in this but I will keep it to myself, until I dig up some more in this area.

Now all this started with an email I recieved, of course that is limited to me only, with a link to these websites. I wish they visit my blog! Ahhhh... what fantacy.

Here is an excerpt nay the whole page of an association called......

"The Wednesday Morning Club is a lunch forum that provides a platform in the entertainment and media industry for conservative speakers and ideas. In 1999, then Governor George Bush made his first public speech in California at the Wednesday Morning Club. Other speakers have included Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senator Joseph Lieberman and George Will. The steering committee of the WMC includes actor Robert Duvall and Icon executive Steve McEveety who produced Braveheart, The Patriot and We Were Soldiers.

Thus far in 2003, speakers have included author Christopher Hitchens, David Frum, former Israel Ambassador to the United Nations Dore Gold and U.S. Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona and author Tammy Bruce. Past speakers include:

Dick Cheney Former Secretary of Defense
Fred Barnes Editor, The Weekly Standard
Jack Kemp Vice Presidential Nominee
Judge Robert Bork Author, Slouching Towards Gomorrah
Tom DeLay Representative (R-TX)
Henry Hyde Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
John Kasich Representative (R-OH)
Sam Brownback Senator (R-KS)
William Bennett Author, The Book of Virtues
Dinesh D'Souza Author, The End of Racism
Newt Gingrich Speaker of the House
Dore Gold Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations
Larry Elder KABC Radio Talk Show Host
George Gilder Author, The Richest Man In Babylon
Chris Cox Representative (R-CA)
Sonny Bono Representative (R-CA)
Bill Carrick Political Consultant
Dan Coats Senator (R-IN)
Spencer Abraham Senator (R-MI)
Jeffrey I. Cole Director of UCLA's Center for Communication Policy
Sky Dayton Founder and Chairman of the Earthlink Network, Inc.
David Dreier Representative (R-CA)
Steven Goldsmith Mayor of Indianapolis
Gerald Isenberg Executive Director of Electronic Media Programs at USC's School
of Cinema-Television
J.C. Watts Representative (R-OK)
Bill Kristol Political Consultant and Editor, The Weekly Standard
Fred Thompson Senator (R-TN)
Ben Wattenberg Author, Values Matter Most
Joe Lieberman Presidential Candidate and U.S. Senator (D-CT)
Christine La Monte Executive Vice President of Motion Picture Group, Rogers & Cowan
Trent Lott Senate Majority Leader
Frank Luntz Political Consultant
Paul Maslin Political Consultant
Les Moonves President of CBS Entertainment Division
Sam Nunn Former Senator (D-GA)
Tony Puryear Writer, Eraser
Frank Riggs Representative (R-CA)
Jim Rogan Representative (R-CA)
Dana Rohrabacher Representative (R-CA)
Ed Roye Representative (R-CA)
Rick Santorum Senator (R-PA)
Bill Schneider Political Consultant
Arlen Specter Senator (R-PA)
Billy Tauzin Representative (R-LA),Chairman of the Telecommunications
Jeremy Verba President, E! Online
Sriram Visuanathan Director of CAA Intel Media Lab
Anne Volokh President & Executive Publisher of Movieline Magazine
The idea for the Wednesday Morning Club was conceived the morning after the 1992 elections, hence the name. The Wednesday Morning Club does not necessarily meet in the morning, nor on Wednesday."

By the way do you know why dogs sniff the other dog's arse? No!


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International Poll: Most Publics--including Americans--Oppose Taking Sides in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

" new poll of 18 countries finds that in 14 of them people mostly say their government should not take sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Just three countries favor taking the Palestinian side (Egypt, Iran, and Turkey) and one is divided (India). No country favors taking Israel's side, including the United States, where 71 percent favor taking neither side."

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Brain region for adventurousness reported found

A di­a­gram of a cross-sec­tion through the mid­dle of the hu­man brain, as shown from the per­spec­tive of some­one who would be look­ing at the right side of a per­son's head. The pur­ple and green lines mark ma­jor path­ways where the neu­ro­trans­mitter dopamine flows. The pur­ple lines, in par­tic­u­lar, show where dopamine is be­lieved to have a reward-related func­tions. One of the stops along these path­ways is the ven­tral stria­tum, point­ed out with a straight black line com­ing from the right side of the im­age. (Cour­tesy Open Uni­ver­sity, U.K.)

Sci­en­tists have iden­ti­fied a brain re­gion that they say en­cour­ages us to seek ad­ven­ture.

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