Thursday, September 11, 2008


I am a selfish person.

I am getting more disturbed by the minute, how people can go to work everyday. Then they always come back to the home, nay they rush back via the pub. This is my vision of the past, when I be the one to go to work. I looked forword to it, as there was nothing else as exciting as that. But I did it as I enjoyed it more than anything of the world.

Have you tried tapping the keyboard with one finger for a long time and ; see someone ele go crazy on the key board, and then you start to increase with venum?

I discovered the best is to keep one finger to work the words as you read them then keep the index finger....smallest on your working hand......on the area where you cancel anything which is not right on the screen. And keep your othere useless hand to keep the shift tag on, for capitols.

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

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